Clara attended the Summer Course on “Ecological Forecasting” at Boston University, Boston, Massachusetts, July 28 – August 2, 2019. From the workshop website:

NEFI 2019 Summer Course

As part of the NSF-funded Near-term Ecological Forecasting Initiative, this course targets graduate students, post-docs, and early-career scientists interested in learning about ecological forecasting in a variety of contexts. In addition to academics, we reserve slots specifically for agency and NGO scientists. This course is adapted from the recently published Ecological Forecasting book by Dr. Michael Dietze and will highlight iterative forecasting approaches.

Topics include Bayesian statistics (simple models, hierarchical Bayes, state-space models, etc); fusing multiple data sources; forecast uncertainty propagation & assessment; iterative data assimilation; machine learning; decision science; and a range of ecological forecasting applications such as phenology, microbiomes, carbon, infectious disease, and aquatic productivity.  The course provides a mix of lectures and hands-on applications, including a final end-of-week group project.  More detail about course content and schedule will be posted soon, but for now please refer to the 2018 course page.

Instructors include Michael Dietze (Boston University), Shannon LaDeau (Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies), Kathleen Weathers (Cary), and Jennifer Bhatnagar (BU).