Kai attended the NEON (National Ecological Observatory Network) Science Summit at the University of Colorado, Boulder, October 15-17, 2019. Excited to meet colleagues across various areas in macrosystems ecology. From the meeting website:

The NEON Science Summit will convene current and prospective users of data from the National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON) to explore major questions that can be addressed at continental scales. At this workshop you will further your understanding of NEON data products and their potential use, connect with other NEON data users, and help drive questions in ecology and environmental science.

This meeting will be conducted in an ‘unconference style’ which is an alternative means of organizing meetings that allows participants to drive the agenda, creating substantial freedom in themes and approaches. Example themes include identifying plant species from space using NEON’s airborne observing platform data, exploring patterns of biodiversity across the U.S., tracking how climate change is affecting stream hydrology, and understanding nutrient cycling in forests at continental scales. The unconference will initiate new collaborative working groups that take research ideas beyond the scope of the Summit.

This workshop will be great for early career scientists who are looking to expand their network to colleagues at other institutions working on similar research questions. We hope to get a diverse group of attendees at various career stages and from different institution types, disciplines, and backgrounds.

Interested in getting started with NEON data? NEON’s guide to getting started is available here or you can work through NEON’s tutorial series. You can also check out a few of Earth Lab’s tutorials that use NEON data: Extracting raster data or Exploring LiDAR data.