See Google Scholar for up-to-date citations. Lab members in bold.
In review
Wu R, Song Y, Head JR, Katz DS, Peay KG, Shedden K, Zhu K (in review) Fungal spore seasons advanced across the US over two decades of climate change.
Song Y, Millard-Ball A, Fox N, Van Berkel D, Agrawal A, Zhu K (in review) Biological changes, political ideology, and scientific communication shape human perceptions of pollen seasons.
Song Y, Barnes M, Browning DM, Bybee-Finley KA, Dahlin KM, Munch SB, Ponce-Campos GE, Youngflesh C, Zuckerberg B, Zhu K (in review) Ecological synchrony in human-modified landscapes under a changing climate.
In press
Song Y, Katz DSW, Zhu Z, Beaulieu C, Zhu K (in press) Predicting reproductive phenology of wind-pollinated trees via PlanetScope time series. Science of Remote Sensing.
Liang S, Ziegler AD, Reich PB, Zhu K, Wang D, Jiang X, Chen D, Ciais P, Zeng Z (in press) Climate mitigation potential for targeted forestation after considering climate change, fires, and albedo. Science Advances.
Hogan JA, Lichstein J, Helmer E, Craig M, Fricke E, Heinrich V, Kannenberg S, Koven C, Klein Goldewijk K, Lapola D, Li Y, Malhi Y, Quinn J, Roe S, Terrer C, Vilanova E, Walker A, Zhu K, Ellis E (in press) Anthromes and forest carbon responses to global change. Plants, People, Planet.
Zhu K, Song Y, Lesage JC, Luong JC, Bartolome JW, Chiariello NR, Dudney J, Field CB, Hallett LM, Hammond M, Harrison SP, Hayes GF, Hobbs RJ, Holl KD, Hopkinson P, Larios L, Loik ME, Prugh LR (2024) Rapid shifts in grassland communities driven by climate change. Nature Ecology and Evolution, 8, 2252.
Yu Z, Chen J, Chen J, Zhan W, Wang C, Ma W, Yao X, Zhou S, Zhu K, Sun R (2024) Enhanced observations from an optimized soil-canopy-photosynthesis and energy flux model revealed evapotranspiration-shading cooling dynamics of urban vegetation during extreme heat. Remote Sensing of Environment, 305, 114098.
Wheeler KI, Dietze MC, LeBauer D, Peters JA, Richardson AD, Ross AA, Thomas RQ, Zhu K, Bhat U, Munch S, Buzbee RF, Chen M, Goldstein B, Guo J, Hao D, Jones C, Kelly-Fair M, Liu H, Malmborg C, Neupane N, Pal D, Shirey V, Song Y, Steen M, Vance EA, Woelmer WM, Wynne JH, Zachmann L (2024) Predicting spring phenology in deciduous broadleaf forests: NEON phenology forecasting community challenge. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 345, 109810.
Van Nuland ME, Qin C, Pellitier P, Zhu K, Peay KG (2024) Climate mismatches with ectomycorrhizal fungi contribute to migration lag in North American tree range shifts. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 121, e2308811121.
Mills KL, Bennitt E, Zhu K, Bartlam-Brooks HLA, Hubel TY, Wilson AM, Carter NH, Sanders NJ (2024) Dynamic primary resources, not just wild prey availability, underpin lion depredation of livestock in a savanna ecosystem. Ecology and Evolution, 14, e70208.
Li Y, Svenning J-C, Zhou W, Zhu K, Abrams JF, Lenton TM, Ripple WJ, Yu Z, Teng SN, Dunn RR, Xu C (2024) Green spaces provide substantial but unequal urban cooling globally. Nature Communications, 15, 7108.
Li Y, Fang L, Cao G, Mi W, Lei C, Zhu K, Bi Y (2024) Reservoir regulation-induced variations in water level impact cyanobacterial bloom by the changing physiochemical conditions. Water Research, 259, 121836.
Journé V, Bogdziewicz M, Courbaud B, Kunstler G, Qiu T, Acuña MA, Ascoli D, Bergeron Y, Berveiller D, Boivin T, Bonal R, Caignard T, Cailleret M, Calama R, Camarero JJ, Chang‐Yang C, Chave J, Chianucci F, Curt T, Cutini A, Das A, Daskalakou E, Davi H, Delpierre N, Delzon S, Dietze M, Calderon SD, Dormont L, Espelta JM, Farfan‐Rios W, Fenner M, Franklin J, Gehring C, Gilbert G, Gratzer G, Greenberg CH, Guignabert A, Guo Q, Hacket‐Pain A, Hampe A, Han Q, Hanley ME, Lambers JHR, Holík J, Hoshizaki K, Ibanez I, Johnstone JF, Knops JMH, Kobe RK, Kurokawa H, Lageard J, LaMontagne J, Ledwon M, Lefèvre F, Leininger T, Limousin J, Lutz J, Macias D, Mårell A, McIntire E, Moran EV, Motta R, Myers J, Nagel TA, Naoe S, Noguchi M, Norghauer J, Oguro M, Ourcival J, Parmenter R, Pearse I, Pérez‐Ramos IM, Piechnik Ł, Podgórski T, Poulsen J, Redmond MD, Reid CD, Samonil P, Scher CL, Schlesinger WH, Seget B, Sharma S, Shibata M, Silman M, Steele M, Stephenson N, Straub J, Sutton S, Swenson JJ, Swift M, Thomas PA, Uriarte M, Vacchiano G, Whipple A, Whitham T, Wright SJ, Zhu K, Zimmerman J, Żywiec M, Clark JS (2024) The relationship between maturation size and maximum tree size from tropical to boreal climates. Ecology Letters, 27, e14500.
Hogan JA, Domke GM, Zhu K, Johnson DJ, Lichstein JW (2024) Climate change determines the sign of productivity trends in US forests. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 121, e2311132121.
Zhu K, Song Y (2023) Harnessing herbaria to advance plant phenology research under global change. New Phytologist, 6, 2057-2059.
Van Berkel D, Fox N, Cousins S, Zhu K (2023) Can social media help us understand the impact of climate change on forests in the US? I-GUIDE Forum.
Thomas RQ, Boettiger C, Carey CC, Dietze MC, Johnson LR, Kenney MA, McLachlan JS, Peters JA, Sokol ER, Weltzin JF, Willson A, Woelmer WM, Challenge contributors (including Song Y, Zhu K) (2023) The NEON Ecological Forecasting Challenge. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 21, 112–113.
Song Y, Munch SB, Zhu K (2023) Prediction-based approach for quantifying phenological mismatch across landscapes under climate change. Landscape Ecology, 38, 821–845.
Qiu T, Aravena M-C, Ascoli D, Bergeron Y, Bogdziewicz M, Boivin T, Bonal R, Caignard T, Cailleret M, Calama R, Calderon SD, Camarero JJ, Chang-Yang C-H, Chave J, Chianucci F, Courbaud B, Cutini A, Das AJ, Delpierre N, Delzon S, Dietze M, Dormont L, Espelta JM, Fahey TJ, Farfan-Rios W, Franklin JF, Gehring CA, Gilbert GS, Gratzer G, Greenberg CH, Guignabert A, Guo Q, Hacket-Pain A, Hampe A, Han Q, Holik J, Hoshizaki K, Ibanez I, Johnstone JF, Journé V, Kitzberger T, Knops JMH, Kunstler G, Kurokawa H, Lageard JGA, LaMontagne JM, Lefevre F, Leininger T, Limousin J-M, Lutz JA, Macias D, Marell A, McIntire EJB, Moore CM, Moran E, Motta R, Myers JA, Nagel TA, Naoe S, Noguchi M, Oguro M, Parmenter R, Pearse IS, Perez-Ramos IM, Piechnik L, Podgorski T, Poulsen J, Redmond MD, Reid CD, Rodman KC, Rodriguez-Sanchez F, Samonil P, Sanguinetti JD, Scher CL, Seget B, Sharma S, Shibata M, Silman M, Steele MA, Stephenson NL, Straub JN, Sutton S, Swenson JJ, Swift M, Thomas PA, Uriarte M, Vacchiano G, Whipple AV, Whitham TG, Wion AP, Wright SJ, Zhu K, Zimmerman JK, Zywiec M, Clark JS (2023) Masting is uncommon in trees that depend on mutualist dispersers in the context of global climate and fertility gradients. Nature Plants, 9, 1044–1056.
Qin C, Pellitier P, Van Nuland M, Peay KP, Zhu K (2023) Niche modeling predicts that soil fungi occupy a precarious climate in boreal forests. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 32, 1127-1139.
Kulikowski AJ, Zahawi RA, Werden LK, Zhu K, Holl KD (2023) Restoration interventions mediate tropical tree recruitment dynamics over time. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 378, 20210077.
Jin Y, Hu S, Ziegler AD, Gibson L, Campbell JE, Xu R, Chen D, Zhu K, Zheng Y, Ye B, Ye F, Zeng Z (2023) Energy production and water savings from floating solar photovoltaics on global reservoirs. Nature Sustainability, 6, 865–874.
He X, Jiang X, Spracklen D, Holden J, Liang E, Liu H, Xu C, Du J, Zhu K, Elsen P, Zeng Z (2023) Global distribution and climatic controls of natural mountain treelines. Global Change Biology, 29, 7001-7011.
Crimmins TM, Vogt E, Brown CL, Dalan D, Manangan A, Robinson G, Song Y, Zhu K, Katz DSW (2023) Volunteer-contributed observations of flowering often correlate with airborne pollen concentrations. International Journal of Biometeorology, 67, 1363–1372.
Bogdziewicz M, Acuña M-CA, Andrus R, Ascoli D, Bergeron Y, Brveiller D, Boivin T, Bonal R, Caignard T, Cailleret M, Calama R, Calderon SD, Camarero JJ, Chang-Yang C-H, Chave J, Chianucci F, Cleavitt NL, Courbaud B, Cutini A, Curt T, Das AJ, Davi H, Delpierre N, Delzon S, Dietze M, Dormont L, Farfan-Rios W, Gehring CA, Gilbert GS, Gratzer G, Greenberg CH, Guignabert A, Guo Q, Hacket-Pain A, Hampe A, Han Q, Hoshizaki K, Ibanez I, Johnstone JF, Journé V, Kitzberger T, Knops JMH, Kunstler G, Kobe R, Lageard JGA, LaMontagne JM, Ledwon M, Leininger T, Limousin J-M, Lutz JA, Macias D, Marell A, McIntire EJB, Moran E, Motta R, Myers JA, Nagel TA, Naoe S, Noguchi M, Oguro M, Kurokawa H, Ourcival J-M, Parmenter R, Perez-Ramos IM, Piechnik L, Podgórski T, Poulsen J, Qiu T, Redmond MD, Reid CD, Rodman KC, Šamonil P, Holik J, Scher CL, Van Marle HS, Seget B, Shibata M, Sharma S, Silman M, Steele MA, Straub JN, Sun I-F, Sutton S, Swenson JJ, Thomas PA, Uriarte M, Vacchiano G, Veblen TT, Wright B, Wright SJ, Whitham TG, Zhu K, Zimmerman JK, Zywiec M, Clark JS (2023) Linking seed size and number to trait syndromes in trees. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 32, 683–694.
Xu Z, Johnson DJ, Zhu K, Lin F, Ye J, Yuan Z, Mao Z, Fang S, Hao Z, Wang X (2022) Interannual climate variability has predominant effects on seedling survival in a temperate forest. Ecology, e3643.
Qiu T, Andrus R, Aravena M-C, Ascoli D, Bergeron Y, Berretti R, Berveiller D, Bogdziewicz M, Boivin T, Bonal R, Bragg DC, Caignard T, Calama R, Camarero JJ, Chang-Yang C-H, Cleavitt NL, Courbaud B, Courbet F, Curt T, Das AJ, Daskalakou E, Davi H, Delpierre N, Delzon S, Dietze M, Calderon SD, Dormont L, Espelta J, Fahey TJ, Farfan-Rios W, Gehring CA, Gilbert GS, Gratzer G, Greenberg CH, Guo Q, Hacket-Pain A, Hampe A, Han Q, Hille Ris Lambers J, Hoshizaki K, Ibanez I, Johnstone JF, Journé V, Kabeya D, Kilner CL, Kitzberger T, Knops JMH, Kobe RK, Kunstler G, Lageard JGA, LaMontagne JM, Ledwon M, Lefevre F, Leininger T, Limousin J-M, Lutz JA, Macias D, McIntire EJB, Moore CM, Moran E, Motta R, Myers JA, Nagel TA, Noguchi K, Ourcival J-M, Parmenter R, Pearse IS, Perez-Ramos IM, Piechnik L, Poulsen J, Poulton-Kamakura R, Redmond MD, Reid CD, Rodman KC, Rodriguez-Sanchez F, Sanguinetti JD, Scher CL, Schlesinger WH, Schmidt Van Marle H, Seget B, Sharma S, Silman M, Steele MA, Stephenson NL, Straub JN, Sun I-F, Sutton S, Swenson JJ, Swift M, Thomas PA, Uriarte M, Vacchiano G, Veblen TT, Whipple AV, Whitham TG, Wion AP, Wright B, Wright SJ, Zhu K, Zimmerman JK, Zlotin R, Zywiec M, Clark JS (2022) Limits to reproduction and seed size-number trade-offs that shape forest dominance and future recovery. Nature Communications, 13, 2381.
Maschler J, Bialic-Murphy L, Wan J, Andresen LC, Zohner CM, Reich PB, Lüscher A, Schneider MK, Müller C, Moser G, Dukes JS, Schmidt IK, Bilton M, Zhu K, Crowther TW (2022) Links across ecological scales: Plant biomass responses to elevated CO2. Global Change Biology, 28, 6115-6134.
Katz D, Vogt E, Manangan A, Brown CL, Dalan D, Zhu K, Song Y, Crimmins TM (2022) Observations from the USA National Phenology Network can be leveraged to model airborne pollen. Aerobiologia, 39, 169–174.
Jung CG, Xu X, Shi Z, Niu S, Xia J, Sherry R, Jiang L, Zhu K, Hou E, Luo Y (2022) Warmer and wetter climate promotes net primary production in C4 grassland with additional enhancement by hay-harvesting. Ecosphere, 13, e3899.
Journé V, Andrus R, Aravena M-C, Ascoli D, Berretti R, Berveiller D, Bogdziewicz M, Boivin T, Bonal R, Caignard T, Calama R, Camarero JJ, Chang-Yang C-H, Courbaud B, Courbet F, Curt T, Das AJ, Daskalakou E, Davi H, Delpierre N, Delzon S, Dietze M, Donoso Calderon S, Dormont L, Maria Espelta J, Fahey TJ, Farfan-Rios W, Gehring CA, Gilbert GS, Gratzer G, Greenberg CH, Guo Q, Hacket-Pain A, Hampe A, Han Q, Lambers JHR, Hoshizaki K, Ibanez I, Johnstone JF, Kabeya D, Kays R, Kitzberger T, Knops JMH, Kobe RK, Kunstler G, Lageard JGA, LaMontagne JM, Leininger T, Limousin J-M, Lutz JA, Macias D, McIntire EJB, Moore CM, Moran E, Motta R, Myers JA, Nagel TA, Noguchi K, Ourcival J-M, Parmenter R, Pearse IS, Perez-Ramos IM, Piechnik L, Poulsen J, Poulton-Kamakura R, Qiu T, Redmond MD, Reid CD, Rodman KC, Rodriguez-Sanchez F, Sanguinetti JD, Scher CL, Marle HSV, Seget B, Sharma S, Silman M, Steele MA, Stephenson NL, Straub JN, Swenson JJ, Swift M, Thomas PA, Uriarte M, Vacchiano G, Veblen TT, Whipple AV, Whitham TG, Wright B, Wright SJ, Zhu K, Zimmerman JK, Zlotin R, Zywiec M, Clark JS (2022) Globally, tree fecundity exceeds productivity gradients. Ecology Letters, 25, 1471–1482.
Donnelly A, Yu R, Jones K, Belitz M, Li B, Duffy K, Zhang X, Wang J, Seyednasrollah B, Gerst K, Li D, Kaddoura Y, Zhu K, Morisette J, Ramey C, Smith K (2022) Exploring discrepancies between in situ phenology and remotely derived phenometrics at NEON sites. Ecosphere, 13, e3912.
Zhong Y, Chu C, Myers JA, Gilbert GS, Lutz JA, Stillhard J, Zhu K, Thompson J, Baltzer JL, He F, LaManna JA, Davies SJ, Aderson-Teixeira KJ, Burslem DFRP, Alonso A, Chao K-J, Wang X, Gao L, Orwig DA, Yin X, Sui X, Su Z, Abiem I, Bissiengou P, Bourg N, Butt N, Cao M, Chang-Yang C-H, Chao W-C, Chapman H, Chen Y-Y, Coomes DA, Cordell S, Oliveira AA de, Du H, Fang S, Giardina CP, Hao Z, Hector A, Hubbell SP, Janík D, Jansen PA, Jiang M, Jin G, Kenfack D, Král K, Larson AJ, Li B, Li X, Li Y, Lian J, Lin L, Liu F, Liu Y, Liu Y, Luan F, Luo Y, Ma K, Malhi Y, McMahon SM, McShea W, Memiaghe H, Mi X, Morecroft M, Novotny V, O’Brien MJ, Ouden J den, Parker GG, Qiao X, Ren H, Reynolds G, Samonil P, Sang W, Shen G, Shen Z, Song G-ZM, Sun I-F, Tang H, Tian S, Uowolo AL, Uriarte M, Wang B, Wang X, Wang Y, Weiblen GD, Wu Z, Xi N, Xiang W, Xu H, Xu K, Ye W, Yu M, Zeng F, Zhang M, Zhang Y, Zhu L, Zimmerman JK (2021) Arbuscular mycorrhizal trees influence the latitudinal beta-diversity gradient of tree communities in forests worldwide. Nature Communications, 12, 3137.
Yang X, Zhu K, Loik ME, Sun W (2021) Differential responses of soil bacteria and fungi to altered precipitation in a meadow steppe. Geoderma, 384, 114812.
Wang F, Sanders CJ, Santos IR, Tang J, Schurech M, Kirwan ML, Kopp RE, Zhu K, Li X, Yuan J, Liu W, Li Z (2021) Global blue carbon accumulation in tidal wetlands increases with climate change. National Science Review, 8, nwaa296.
Song Y, Zajic CJ, Hwang H, Hakkenberg CR, Zhu K (2021) Widespread mismatch between phenology and climate in human-dominated landscapes. AGU Advances, 2(4): e2021AV000431.
Reimer JR, Arroyo-Esquivel J, Jiang J, Scharf HR, Wolkovich EM, Zhu K, Boettiger C (2021) Noise can create or erase long transient dynamics. Theoretical Ecology, 14, 685–695.
Qiu T, Aravena M-C, Andrus R, Ascoli D, Bergeron Y, Berretti R, Bogdziewicz M, Boivin T, Bonal R, Caignard T, Calama R, Camarero JJ, Clark CJ, Courbaud B, Delzon S, Calderon SD, Farfan-Rios W, Gehring CA, Gilbert GS, Greenberg CH, Guo Q, Lambers JHR, Hoshizaki K, Ibanez I, Journé V, Kilner CL, Kobe RK, Koenig WD, Kunstler G, LaMontagne JM, Ledwon M, Lutz JA, Motta R, Myers JA, Nagel TA, Nuñez CL, Pearse IS, Piechnik Ł, Poulsen JR, Poulton-Kamakura R, Redmond MD, Reid CD, Rodman KC, Scher CL, Marle HSV, Seget B, Sharma S, Silman M, Swenson JJ, Swift M, Uriarte M, Vacchiano G, Veblen TT, Whipple AV, Whitham TG, Wion AP, Wright SJ, Zhu K, Zimmerman JK, Żywiec M, Clark JS (2021) Is there tree senescence? The fecundity evidence. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 118(34).
Qin C, Bartelme R, Chung YA, Fairbanks D, Lin Y, Liptzin D, Muscarella C, Naithani K, Peay K, Pellitier P, St. Rose A, Stanish L, Werbin Z, Zhu K (2021) From DNA sequences to microbial ecology: Wrangling NEON soil microbe data with the neonMicrobe R package. Ecosphere, 12, e03842.
Nagy RC, Balch JK, Bissell EK, Cattau ME, Glenn NF, Halpern BS, Ilangakoon N, Johnson B, Joseph MB, Marconi S, O’Riordan C, Sanovia J, Swetnam TL, Travis WR, Wasser LA, Woolner E, Zarnetske P, Abdulrahim M, Adler J, Barnes G, Bartowitz KJ, Blake RE, Bombaci SP, Brun J, Buchanan JD, Chadwick KD, Chapman MS, Chong SS, Chung YA, Corman JR, Couret J, Crispo E, Doak TG, Donnelly A, Duffy KA, Dunning KH, Duran SM, Edmonds JW, Fairbanks DE, Felton AJ, Florian CR, Gann D, Gebhardt M, Gill NS, Gram WK, Guo JS, Harvey BJ, Hayes KR, Helmus MR, Hensley RT, Hondula KL, Huang T, Hundertmark WJ, Iglesias V, Jacinthe P-A, Jansen LS, Jarzyna MA, Johnson TM, Jones KD, Jones MA, Just MG, Kaddoura YO, Kagawa-Vivani AK, Kaushik A, Keller AB, King KBS, Kitzes J, Koontz MJ, Kouba PV, Kwan W-Y, LaMontagne JM, LaRue EA, Li D, Li B, Lin Y, Liptzin D, Long WA, Mahood AL, Malloy SS, Malone SL, McGlinchy JM, Meier CL, Melbourne BA, Mietkiewicz N, Morisette JT, Moustapha M, Muscarella C, Musinsky J, Muthukrishnan R, Naithani K, Neely M, Norman K, Parker SM, Perez Rocha M, Petri L, Ramey CA, Record S, Rossi MW, SanClements M, Scholl VM, Schweiger AK, Seyednasrollah B, Sihi D, Smith KR, Sokol ER, Spaulding SA, Spiers AI, St Denis LA, Staccone AP, Stack Whitney K, Stanitski DM, Stricker E, Surasinghe TD, Thomsen SK, Vasek PM, Xiaolu L, Yang D, Yu R, Yule KM, Zhu K (2021) Harnessing the NEON data revolution to advance open environmental science with a diverse and data-capable community. Ecosphere, 12, e03833.
Liu L, Zhu K, Krause SMB, Li S, Wang X, Zhang Z, Shen M, Yang Q, Lian J, Wang X, Ye W, Zhang J (2021) Changes in assembly processes of soil microbial communities during secondary succession in two subtropical forests. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 154, 108144.
Jones J, Groffman PM, Blair J, Davis FW, Dugan H, Euskirchen ES, Frey SD, Harms T, Hinckley E, Kosmala M, Loberg S, Malone S, Novick K, Record S, Rocha AV, Ruddell B, Stanley EH, Sturtevant C, Thorpe A, White T, Wieder WR, Zhai L, Zhu K (2021) Synergies among environmental science research and monitoring networks: A research agenda. Earth’s Future, 9, e2020EF001631.
Freeman BG, Song Y, Feeley KJ, Zhu K (2021) Montane species track rising temperatures better in the tropics than in the temperate zone. Ecology Letters, 24, 1697-1708.
Clark JS, Andrus R, Aubry-Kientz M, Bergeron Y, Bogdziewicz M, Bragg DC, Brockway D, Cleavitt NL, Cohen S, Courbaud B, Daley R, Das AJ, Dietze M, Fahey TJ, Fer I, Franklin JF, Gehring CA, Gilbert GS, Greenberg CH, Guo Q, Hille Ris Lambers J, Ibanez I, Johnstone J, Kilner CL, Knops J, Koenig WD, Kunstler G, LaMontagne JM, Legg KL, Luongo J, Lutz JA, Macias D, McIntire EJ, Messaoud Y, Moore CM, Moran E, Myers JA, Myers OB, Nunez C, Parmenter R, Pearson S, Poulton-Kamakura R, Ready E, Redmond MD, Reid CD, Rodman KC, Scher CL, Schlesinger WH, Schwantes AM, Shanahan E, Sharma S, Steele M, Stephenson NL, Sutton S, Swenson JJ, Swift M, Veblen TT, Whipple AV, Whitham TG, Wion AP, Zhu K, Zlotin R (2021) Continent-wide tree fecundity driven by indirect climate effects. Nature Communications, 12, 1242.
Chowdhury S, Zhu K, Zhang Y (2021) Mitigating greenhouse gas emissions through generative adversarial networks based wildfire prediction. Energy Proceedings, 17.
Zhu K (2020) Understanding forest dynamics by integrating age and environmental change. New Phytologist, 228, 1728-1733.
Wang C, Guan K, Peng B, Chen M, Jiang C, Zeng Y, Wu G, Wang S, Wu J, Yang X, Frankenberg C, Kohler P, Berry J, Bernacchi C, Zhu K, Alden C, Miao G (2020) Satellite footprint data from OCO-2 and TROPOMI reveal significant spatio-temporal and inter-vegetation type variabilities of solar-induced fluorescence yield in the U.S. Midwest. Remote Sensing of Environment, 241, 111728.
Steidinger BS, Bhatnagar JM, Vilgalys R, Taylor JW, Qin C, Zhu K, Bruns TD, Peay KG (2020) Ectomycorrhizal fungal diversity predicted to substantially decline due to climate changes in North American Pinaceae forests. Journal of Biogeography, 47, 772-782.
Qin C, Zhu K, Chiariello NR, Field CB, Peay KG (2020) Fire history and plant community composition outweigh decadal multi-factor global change as drivers of microbial composition in an annual grassland. Journal of Ecology, 108, 611-625.
Moore JR, Argles APK, Zhu K, Huntingford C, Cox PM (2020) Validation of demographic equilibrium theory against tree-size distributions and biomass density in Amazonia. Biogeosciences, 17, 1013–1032.
Liu L, Zhu K, Wurzburger N, Zhang J (2020) Relationships between plant diversity and soil microbial diversity vary across taxonomic groups and spatial scales. Ecosphere, 11(1):e02999.
Laubmeier AN, Cazelles B, Cuddington K, Erickson KD, Fortin MJ, Ogle K, Wikle CK, Zhu K, Zipkin E (2020) Ecological dynamics: integrating empirical, statistical, and analytical methods. Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 35, 1090–1099.
Lamperty T, Zhu K, Poulsen JR, Dunham AE (2020) Defaunation of large mammals alters understory vegetation and functional importance of invertebrates in an Afrotropical forest. Biological Conservation, 241, 108329.
Jiang F, Zhu K, Cadotte MW, Jin G (2020) Tree mycorrhizal type mediates the strength of negative density dependence in temperate forests. Journal of Ecology, 108, 2601–2610.
He Y, Cheng W, Zhou L, Shao J, Liu H, Zhou H, Zhu K, Zhou X (2020) Soil DOC release and aggregate disruption mediate rhizosphere priming effect on soil C decomposition. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 144, 107787.
Hakkenberg C, Peet RK, Wentworth TR, Zhu K, Schafale MP (2020) Tree canopy cover constrains the fertility–diversity relationship in plant communities of the southeastern United States. Ecology, 101, e03119.
Egerer MH, Wagner B, Lin BB, Kendal D, Zhu K (2020) New methods of spatial analysis in urban gardens inform future vegetation surveying. Landscape Ecology, 35, 761–778.
Compagnoni A, Bibian AJ, Ochocki BM, Levin S, Zhu K, Miller TEX (2020) popler: An R package for extraction and synthesis of population time series from the long-term ecological research (LTER) network. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 11, 258–264.
Zhu K, Song Y, Qin C (2019) Forest age improves understanding of the global carbon sink. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 116, 3962-3964.
Yu K, Smith WK, Trugman AT, Condit R, Hubbell SP, Sardans J, Peng C, Zhu K, Peñuelas J, Cailleret M, Levanic T, Gessler A, Schaub M, Ferretti M, Anderegg WRL (2019) Pervasive decreases in living vegetation carbon turnover time across forest climate zones. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 116, 24662-24667.
Wang C, Zhu K (2019) Misestimation of growing season length due to inaccurate construction of satellite vegetation index time series. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 16, 1185-1189.
Terborgh J, Zhu K, Álvarez-Loayza P, Cornejo-Valverde F (2019) Seed limitation in an Amazonian floodplain forest. Ecology, 100, e02642.
Quan Q, Tian D, Luo Y, Zhang F, Crowther TW, Zhu K, Chen HYH, Zhou Q, Niu S (2019) Water scaling of ecosystem carbon cycle feedback to climate warming. Science Advances, 5, eaav1131.
Mao ZK, Corrales A, Zhu K, Yuan ZQ, Lin F, Ye J, Hao ZQ, Wang XG (2019) Tree mycorrhizal associations mediate soil fertility effects on forest community structure in a temperate forest. New Phytologist, 233, 475–486.
He Y, Zhou X, Cheng W, Zhou L, Zhang G, Zhou G, Liu R, Shao J, Zhu K, Cheng W (2019) Linking improvement of soil structure to soil carbon storage following invasion by a C4 plant Spartina alterniflora. Ecosystems, 22, 859–872.
Chu C, Lutz JA, Král K, Vrška T, Yin X, Myers JA, Abiem I, Alonso A, Bourg N, Burslem DFRP, Cao M, Chapman H, Condit R, Fang S, Fischer GA, Gao L, Hao Z, Hau BCH, He Q, Hector A, Hubbell SP, Jiang M, Jin G, Kenfack D, Lai J, Li B, Li X, Li Y, Lian J, Lin L, Liu Y, Liu Y, Luo Y, Ma K, McShea W, Memiaghe H, Mi X, Ni M, O’Brien MJ, Oliveira AA de, Orwig DA, Parker GG, Qiao X, Ren H, Reynolds G, Sang W, Shen G, Su Z, Sui X, Sun I-F, Tian S, Wang B, Wang X, Wang X, Wang Y, Weiblen GD, Wen S, Xi N, Xiang W, Xu H, Xu K, Ye W, Zhang B, Zhang J, Zhang X, Zhang Y, Zhu K, Zimmerman J, Storch D, Baltzer JL, Anderson-Teixeira KJ, Mittelbach GG, He F (2019) Direct and indirect effects of climate on richness drive the latitudinal diversity gradient in forest trees. Ecology Letters, 22, 245-255.
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